Back in 1972, Matthew Polk, George Klopfer, and Sandy Gross, a maverick team of big dreamers with $200 to their names, embarked on a wildly ambitious adventure to bring engaging, immersive sound experiences within reach for everyone. They built a sound system from scratch for their friends, who couldn’t pay but became de facto partners, using the system for bluegrass conventions and renting it out to other people. Some local bands liked the system and then got them to build more, resulting in a nice little business, but each system was different and had to be designed uniquely. They developed the philosophy of “great sound for all”, as a complete listening experience at a reasonable price was missing in the market, and they pivoted to consumer loudspeaker products. “Incredible Sound, Affordable Price” became Polk’s first real advertisement, a sentiment that lives on today with the goal of serving Polk customers first and foremost.